Colors All these colors are available in SCSS variable. You can include this with any class/ID as mentioned below.


Utility text color casses from both Bootstrap and Super Admin 2.0.
Bootstrap Custom
.text-primary .text-indigo
.text-secondary .text-blue
.text-success .text-purple
.text-danger .text-pink
.text-warning .text-red
.text-info .text-orange
.text-light .text-yellow
.text-dark .text-green
.text-body .text-teal
.text-muted .text-cyan
.text-white .text-black

Background color

Easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Bootstrap background utilities do not set color, so in some cases you’ll want to use .text-* utilities.
Bootstrap Custom
.bg-primary .bg-indigo
.bg-secondary .bg-blue
.bg-success .bg-purple
.bg-danger .bg-pink
.bg-warning .bg-red
.bg-info .bg-orange
.bg-light .bg-yellow
.bg-dark .bg-green
.bg-white .bg-teal
.bg-transparent .bg-cyan